Unfortunately, Hillary Clinton lost the election. The mood here is still very grim. I still cannot believe that Donald Trump will move in into the White House.
I wrote about the Election Day for the Polish newsmagazine Polityka , which of course makes me very proud.
I received more comments than I could use. Two of them come from the founders of Berkeley Historical Society:
Robert Kehlmann, writer,artist.
I am appalled, fearful for this country and the rest of the world, embarassed. It makes me wonder whether in an age of reality TV, social media, and sensationalistic journalism the democratic process remains a viable way to select intelligent, forward-looking, responsible leaders.
Diana Kehlmann, music editor.
I believe America has exposed its shadow side. For too long we’ve thought of ourselves as exceptional, above the stupidities and sins of other countries: the most powerful, the most just, fair, rational, intelligent. Meanwhile our collective karma is steeped in racism. Our material success has been built on the backs of black, brown and yellow people whom we’ve suppressed and denigrated. We’ve seen evidence of this for a long, long time, no less this past few years with the gun and police violence growing into grotesque proportions and now with the Native Americans in North Dakota trying to save their water. (…)
Day after the election results, I also recieved a haiku poem from Arizona. The author is a friend’s brother. She was also very moved by the results.
Hate and Fear prevail
Our Trumped-up tears trickle down
Nation mourns itself
Now, on the internet I see a a lot of opportunities to engage in local communities. They are supposed to overcome the trauma after the elections. Even the CEO of my husband sent an encouraging e-mail to the employees.
In Oakland, Berkeley and San Francisco people were and are protesting. Some turned out violent, others were very peaceful.
Next week we celebrate Thanksgiving. It will be fourth one in the USA! This time we were invited to dinner in Berkeley.
I am adding two pictures from the Election Day, which I took at Hillary’s campaign headquarters in Albany … The mood was upbeat ..