I still don’t know how I managed to shed my pregnancy weight. Probably yoga, cutting out sugar in my tea and coffee, watching what I ate, cheering relatives, and of course chasing a baby had something to do with it. Now I will run even more, as Rosie has started to walk!
For several weeks I have also been attending the Zumba classes at the YMCA, located in close Albany. I could have chosen pilates, hip-hop, step challenge, boot-camp, east coast swing, jazz combo, pull up a chair, and tai-chi, and all of this at a very affordable price. YMCA exists here for over a hundred years and is an important spot on the local community map.
I chose Zumba because this type of cardio suits me very well. I can not remember the last time I was at a club, so now I have the opportunity to dance regularly. Also loud music makes it harder to fall asleep:)
There is only one level for everybody, so there is no embarrassment if you make a mistake or your body is less flexible. What matters is having fun.
I really like that people from different ethnic, age and professional groups practice together. By the way, in California, I see much fewer obese people than in Washington and Oregon. Probably the warmer weather and thus more opportunities for movement help.
Zumba is great for people of all shapes and sizes and talents. I see people who are trying to lose weight or just stay in shape. At the classes I see a lot more women than men. Men usually appear in the company of their partners.
It is nice to see how people, by moving and jumping to energeitic songs like I am on Fire or Nota de Amor can de-stress after work hours. For me, it’s a nice break from taking care of a 1 year old and all that comes with it:)
Seniors are also very active, and they are among the best in the group. Sometimes we practice the choreography to Arabic tunes, which everyone enjoys.
I hope I do not lose my enthusiasm for this type of fitness and will take care of my shape (and it’s good for my mental state as well). The endorines always kick in after class. Well, until i see what mess Dean and my daughter made when eating dinner together..
Here is a video promoting Zumba at the YMCA. Are you convinced?
Ps. Take a look at new Ciekawostki.